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Our School

At WESS, every student is enrolled in a rigorous course of study, including multiple Advanced Placement classes.  The college office acknowledges that the process of post-secondary exploration must be highly personalized, similar to the student experience at WESS.   Leveraging student and family workshops, admissions testing, prep classes, college campus visits and personalized sessions with our dedicated counselor, our college office takes private consultants out of the equation.  Not surprisingly, WESS is currently supporting several schools in building out their college office.  A laser-like focus on the individual guarantees that the WESS graduate is positioned to make well-informed choices as they pursue the path of their choice.


Students collaborating in a classroom

At West End Secondary School, our mission is to empower students to achieve at the highest level by cultivating their innate curiosity and nurturing their natural ability to wonder and create. A WESS education emphasizes creativity, discovery, and resilience, as well as the central role that the student plays in his or her own learning process, understanding that students learn best when they discern the value in learning and enjoy getting there. Graduates will leave WESS equipped to confront new challenges with confidence & an inner reserve of fortitude that naturally arises from conquering material that once seemed too complicated.

WESS Terminology: Learn more about the vocabulary that helps to define our school community.

Learning Expeditions

Learning expeditions are the signature EL Education curricular structure. At each grade level, students take part in 6-12 week cross-curricular learning expeditions that involve in-depth studies on a theme across classes. They enable students to make interdisciplinary connections, engage in research and field work, solve complex problems using critical thinking and publicly present their learning in a meaningful way to an authentic audience. This model prioritizes real world application as a means to ignite a joy for learning and discovery in our students.

We are Crew

The term “Crew” comes from Outward Bound founder Kurt Hahn, whose quote “We are crew, not passengers,” serves as the inspiration and foundation for all community- and relationship- building within NYC Outward Bound and EL Education schools. Students at WESS nurture a deep sense of community through Crew, a weekly small group focusing on character development, relationship-building, social-emotional growth, and academic support. The adult facilitator of each Crew serves as an advocate for their Crew members, taking time to foster community and monitor academic success. Crew is also an engine for equity and inclusion, a place where all students feel they belong and can succeed. All incoming 6th and 9th grade students at WESS are assigned to a Crew and remain with this group for the duration of their school experience.

Our Whole School Model Partners

WESS is an NYC Outward Bound School. Like all NYC Outward Bound Schools, we implement the national EL Education whole school model, which is rooted in Outward Bound. Through our partnerships with NYC Outward Bound Schools and EL Education, WESS leaders and teachers receive extensive coaching and professional development in the implementation of this model. Our school’s academic approach combines demanding and engaging learning with community and character, challenging students to think critically and take active roles in their classrooms and communities. Day-to-day, this approach is demonstrated through the EL Education Core Practices of Curriculum, Instruction, Culture and Character, Student-Engaged Assessment and Leadership — and brought to life through initiatives like learning expeditions, Crew, student-engaged assessment, a culture of college readiness, and more. 

Learn more about EL Education

Learn more about NYC Outward Bound Schools


AP for All

Advanced Placement
 classes offer the experience of college courses while students are still in high school. By the time they graduate, WESS students will have the opportunity to take up to 15 AP classes.

AP for All seeks to expand the number of AP courses to increase the equity of AP course enrollment across all schools and provide necessary supports to make courses available to all students.

AP Classes offered at WESS include Human Geography, World History: Modern, Biology, English Literature and Composition, United States History, United States Government and Politics, Chemistry, Seminar, Research, Psychology, Macroeconomics, Statistics, Calculus AB/BC, Environmental Science, Physics, English Language, Spanish Language and Culture.

Student-Engaged Assessment

Student-engaged assessment is a strategy that helps students understand and take ownership of their own growth as learners. Student-engaged assessment changes the primary role of assessment from evaluating and ranking students to motivating them to learn. It empowers students to identify where they need to go as learners and the steps they need to take to get there by challenging and engaging them, transforming everyday teaching and learning. It also builds the independence, critical thinking skills, perseverance, and self-reflective understanding students need for college and careers and that is required by the Common Core State Standards. Student-engaged assessment at WESS is implemented through high-quality learning targets, checks for understanding, standards-based grading, student-led conferences, portfolios and passages, and celebrations of learning — which all position students to be leaders of their own learning journey. 

Learn more about Student Engaged Assessment



WESS offers a full sports program for all grades. In partnership with Manhattan Youth, middle school students participate in a variety of competitive sports. WESS is positioned to become a member of the Public School Athletic League for High School, but already offers a competitive sports program. Our current sports include: soccer, tennis, basketball, bowling, cross country, track, baseball, volleyball and bowling. We also have an ultimate frisbee team, morning conditioning, and a sailing club. 

In partnership with Manhattan Youth, WESS offers a comprehensive competitive sports program. Our middle school students participate in a variety of competitive sports, including: boys and girls soccer, co-ed flag football, girls volleyball, boys and girls basketball, baseball, softball, fencing and debate.

The Arts at WESS


The arts are present throughout the curriculum at WESS. All students take part in dance, music, film and visual arts. We are proud of our partnerships with Take 2 Film Academy and Marquee Studios which allow our students to present their work in exciting mediums.

After School Programs


Manhattan Youth proudly provides comprehensive after school programing at WESS. Sports, stage performance, debate, and other activities fill every afternoon with quality choices that appeal to the interests of each student.